Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Millhouse Van Houten. 
This child is irritating and is continually retching babble at better characters. There are such a large number of all the more meriting characters that fans don't appear to like, Sideshow Mel for example.He has a standout amongst the most irritating voices on the planet. I surmise that Bart ought to be companions with somebody else.I can't stand Millhouse, his voice is so disturbing and irritating, it makes me insane. He's certainly as I would see it the most exceedingly bad character. The other character I loathe who ought to be on the main 10 is the Bumblebee man! He's not appeared on all that much. Be that as it may, he's simply such a doltish and pointless character he drives me insane! 
Ned Flanders
Ned was amusing, however now he is so Christian-fanatic that I feel frustrated about his children (as inept and irritating as they might be) and he is homophobic. He was clever in the initial 12 seasons, yet he's been pointless to the show lately. I’m OK with him being Christian I'm a Christian myself yet Ned Flanders acts like everything else is malicious. On the off chance that an Atheist were to move into the area Ned Flanders would cap him/her. God wouldn't need that
Mr. Smolders
Why is he on this? Everyone that voted in favor of him is one of those over touchy individuals who abhor in light of the fact that he is "abhorrent" and "mean". That is the clever and special part to his character, else, it resembles having no miscreant in a film since "he's a huge Meany “He’s only savage in one scene worthwhile motivation Lisa had her own paper he attempted to thump her off the street and she was in an auto with Bart, Milhouse AND Homer. That would be 4 homicides and he wouldn't mind my line to portray him is: He's so old he needn't bother with a heart, generally too cause he never had one anyway. He is interesting, in any event, yet he is still trash since he is malevolent.
Sideshow Bob
He is terrible yet in the event that Lisa and Bart could crush him. Overrated as f... At whatever point we see this person in a scene, it implies dependably the same sh... He thinks of an underhanded arrangement (attempt to kill Bart 90% of the times), falls flat and comes back to jail. It gets old too soon. He is the most noticeably awful. He attempted to slaughter Bart. This fellow is the bomb.
Abe Simpson
What the heck is Abe doing here? He's hilarious! I abhor him a great deal on the grounds that is most exceedingly awful character ought to be in main 1M Why is he on this rundown he is so funny! He’s a little psycho
Moe Szyslak
Affirm now your simply putting everybody you consider on this rundown I've remarked on around 10 characters on this rundown as of now since they shouldn't be on this rundown and moe is one of them. He’s continually reminding EVERYONE how hopeless he is and how he can't get any adoration, Should be expelled from the show. The just fortunate thing about this character is the suicide choke... what's more, I trust he succeeds, soon. I've just watched one of his scenes, and it was the most exceedingly terrible ever constructed. I was acquainting my companion with the appear, and now he supposes I'm hindered in light of the fact that I squander my time like that. Wait... So you are stating that your companion has never known about the simpsons. Stunning, I feel frustrated about your companion.
Ralph Wiggum
The millennial's main decision for best character ever. I don't have the foggiest idea about in addition chafing: The way that should think that its amusing that a blockhead's fallacies show an idiocy verging on formative inability, or the way that each fan and their companions have transformed him into a people hereof for trendy person irony. He resembles he's mentally unbalanced however I don't think he will be he's simply youthful and undeveloped and imbecilic. I have extreme introvertedness and I was and am much, much, much, much, much cleverer than him. Ralph is the best character ever He truly imbecilic and moronic child
Krusty The Clown
He is not by any means that clever, yet his voice is amazingly bothering, in addition to his character has dependably been dull and uninteresting.I'm astounded he's not higher on the rundown he's truly not that funny.He treats Sideshow Mel like crap,Sad, Depressed, Addict, Stupid, Mean, Annoying
Apu is a supporting character and he's extremely intricate which makes him subject by all accounts.

Apu is truly entertaining I don't know why he's on this rundown